
The Future of Healthcare

  Congress Films /// Life/2020

The Power of Data - looking into the future with stock and scribbles

Two weeks, no budget for a reshooting, no space for a voice-over and a highly abstract topic: data processing in terms of global health care. That is the task for the teaser »the Power of Data«. After an initial rough structure is in place, the first step is to sift through all the video material from earlier projects and - where necessary - supplemented with stock footage. In order not to give the film too much of a typical IT look, we combine this material with rather sketchy animations and create a visual language that, despite the high-tech content, does not focus on the machine but on the people and their possibilities.

The Digital Gardener – Remote Patient Monitoring for the technophobe

»Remote Patient Monitoring« is about the opportunity for doctors, hospital staff and patients to communicate with each other in real time, to receive warnings and to be able to make adjustments to medication. This is a sensitive topic, which on the one hand is encountered with mistrust, but on the other hand offers great potential for improving care. We implement the assignment to open the topic with a format that takes both perspectives into account with a scenic short film: a chronically ill, sympathetic technophobe learns about the benefits of digital systems – Not quite as planned, but with striking success.