INVOLVE startet Non-Profit-Kampagne pro Corona-Impfung
At our booster appointment, everything happened so fast: as soon as we had rolled up our sleeves, the thing was in. This gave us the compelling idea: a hoodie with an injection-friendly zipper on the upper arm, as a commitment to vaccination.
Ever since it became possible to vaccinate against the Corona virus, Germany has been struggling with an obstinately arguing group of vaccination opponents. It is not only a challenge to the health system. As puppets of an information war in which radical right-wing actors are also engaged in destabilising our democracy, this group is causing constant uncertainty in social media – especially among people who are more receptive to the shrill than the complex picture.
This is where the campaign »We’re moving on!« comes in: we don’t want to leave it to this minority to occupy terms like resistance, rebellion, courage and commitment and to label all those who – out of solidarity and self-protection – follow the vaccination recommendations as opinionless followers.
There is a need for signs, subversive and humorous symbols with which those who are vaccinated can confess and make their decision visible. With the label »INJECTION« we offer such a sign. In order to bring it to the people, we are looking for partners for the production, which should be fair and sustainable. Any profits will be donated to Long-COVID research. The campaign calls for a return to life – no matter how many vaccinations it takes. When some loudly retreat into a post-factual parallel world, others must say even louder:
#wirlebenschonmalweiter (We’re moving on)
»INJECTION« on social media: